When considering tooth extractions, you can have nightmares and anxiety that you find challenging to get over. In addition, the realization of losing a tooth to extraction is not pleasant for an adult. The process is stressful physically and mentally.
Before heading for tooth extraction, you must prepare appropriately to ensure you undergo the procedure without undue stress. Please continue reading to learn what you must do to ease your anxiety before your tooth removal procedure.
You can follow some of the ways this post suggests to prepare for tooth extraction.
If you have confusion about the dental surgery, you must discuss them with the dentist in Phoenix to ease your mind. Do not consider any questions too insignificant because they aren’t. Put forward your questions to the dentist to get the mental satisfaction you desire.
Ensure that your dentist is aware of your medical history. You must disclose the complete details of your health before your tooth removal procedure. You must thoroughly provide all information, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any information. You must inform the dental office about whether:
The above factors can increase your vulnerability to infections making it essential for you to disclose the information to the dentist performing dental extractions.
You will likely get anesthesia or sedation during the tooth removal procedure. You must try to understand what specific drugs will be used for your treatment. If you have experienced side effects with anesthesia earlier, inform the dentist about them to ensure they choose appropriate medications when sedating you. In such cases, the dentist creates a strategy to make you confident and ensure that you are not at risk.
The dentist recommends not to eat anything eight to 12 hours before your surgical procedure to ensure you don’t develop nausea during and after the treatment. You do not need to fast if you will receive local anesthesia. However, you must require with the dentist about the anesthesia ahead of time to ensure you are adequately prepared.
Dentists recommend different after-care suggestions depending on the technique used for a tooth removal. You can anticipate recovery from the extraction procedure in approximately seven to ten days. During this period, you must do everything possible to keep the blood clot in the extraction site. Dislodging the blood clot can trigger a dry socket, a painful condition that requires additional treatments from the dentist.
You can try speeding up your recovery using the tips mentioned below:
Whether you had a tooth removed because of gum disease or an impacted tooth causing complications in your mouth, you must refrain from having crunchy and hard foods for fear of dislodging the blood clot until you recover from the extraction procedure.
After having a tooth removed, caring for your oral health is your responsibility, and you must ensure you don’t develop additional tooth infections that might require similar procedures.
Keeping your dental health in optimal condition is not challenging so long as you brush and floss your teeth as recommended by your dentist and get six-monthly checkups and cleanings. Unfortunately, if tooth extractions become inevitable, preparing for them ahead of time helps ease your mind and prepares you for the procedure.
If you need tooth extraction surgery, we suggest you contact On Pointe Dentistry, where the dentists ensure your procedure is minimally invasive and less painful.
We welcome patients from all surrounding locations to visit our dental office in Phoenix, AZ